US President Joe Biden may have received up to 30M USD in illegal payments: Rep. James Comer
In a recent Fox News interview, Rep. Comer who is in charge of a Congressional committee investigating potential bribes President Biden had received as a Vice President in he Obama administration in exchange for influence reports that he expects to uncover up to 30 million dollars in illegal payments received by the President in exchange for influence. Now to be fair, corruption is not limited to Biden or his party - ex-VP Dick Cheney is one notable example, And in the business world 30 million would not even be that much - but for a politician that is significant (at let for a Western politician).
Let us see what comes of this. While Biden's possible opponent, Donald Trump, has most likely engaged in corruption too and is currently facing his own civil and criminal legal trouble, it looks like the incumbent is also very far from being a clean player.
Scale of Bidens’ Illegal Payment Scandal Triples Overnight
Jack Gist, The Western Journal, 19 June 2023
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